Monday, January 28, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Finally some new Pictures!!
Posted by Williams at 7:31 AM 2 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Hallelujah! We finally received our Visa/Embassy Appt. on Thursday morning!!! This is the VERY LAST THING we have to do before coming home. Our appointment is set for Monday, February 4th (in 16 days and yes, we're counting them down), which is not too far out. We were hoping for sooner, but apparently the holidays have backed up the embassy's appointments. We will hang in there though. Of course we've already emailed them to see if we can get an earlier appointment or be put on the cancellation list, but we haven't heard back yet. That probably won't happen though so we'll just enjoy our last couple of weeks in Antigua. We can't even imagine what it will be like to be at home now. Every adoptive family here says, "Until I'm on that plane, I won't feel like we're really going home." This is so true. It often seems like things will always go on and on and you'll never see this day. It is actually here for us. Our plan is to go to the embassy for our 7:15 AM appt. on Monday, the 4th. Then, Blake's Visa will be available for pick up after 3:00 the next day. Therefore, we will fly back home on Wednesday, February 6th!!! And, this is 1 DAY BEFORE BLAKE'S FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!! It will be exactly one year since he was born that we have been going through the adoption process. Wow! This has been an amazing journey. Blake is SO WORTH everything we've gone through here. Yes, it has been VERY frustrating and emotionally draining at times, but for the most part, the things we have experienced and seen in Guatemala we are so lucky to have been a part of. How often can you wake up in the morning to sunshine and the sound of doves in the trees? How often can you say "Buenos Dias!" to every person that walks by and have them respond happily? How many times can you see pigs wandering through the streets like dogs and walk on a beach with your baby on your back? (yesterday's trip to Monterrico beach). How often can you make friends with and directly help a child in need by walking to the nearest park? How often can you order any type of fruit smoothie just by walking up to a bar in a cafe? The list goes on and on. We are SO thankful for Blake and this trip. We have been able to foster Blake for 5 months and we can't imagine life without him. At this point, we'd like to take 3 children home with us when we go, but that's impossible. All we can say is that if you are even the slightest bit interested in adopting, DO IT!!! You will never regret it. Yes, it can be trying, but like I continue to say, SO WORTH IT when you see that little smile every morning! Anyway, we're hoping to post more pictures soon. I'm taking my new fancy disposable camera to the camera store today so look for new ones tonight! We can't wait to see you! Chris said he's planning on kissing the airport floor as soon as we walk off the plane (hee, hee)!
Posted by Williams at 7:44 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
2-3 More Weeks and it's Homeward Bound!
Posted by Williams at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Have you ever hiked a Volcano with a Baby on your Back?!!
So much has happened here in the last few days so I'll start at Monday. We now have Blake's new birth certificate, Passport and 2nd DNA completed. The DNA was sent to a US lab yesterday and the results should be at the US Embassy by next Monday (according to our agency). Our facilitator said that we will receive our "pink" email (used to be called a pink slip because you would get an Embassy/VISA appt. date on a pink piece of paper) by next Wednesday if the results come in Monday. By law the embassy has to give you an appt. date within 48 hours of receiving 2nd DNA. Once we have that appt., we will go to the Embassy for our final doctor visit there (you have to check out of the country with a thorough exam from a designated Embassy doctor) and then attend our VISA appt. date which should be that same week. We will be handed a sealed envelope with Blake's paperwork to get through customs at the airport and then go through a short interview. The next day, we will return and pick up his VISA. Once that is in hand, we can RETURN TO THE USA!!!! We are so excited to come home, yet sad that we'll be leaving this beautiful place. It has been an experience we will NEVER forget. We are blessed and SO incredibly lucky to have this sweet baby boy.
On another note, I have been busy this week helping the family whom we brought gifts to at Christmas. Remember this family? I have pictures of Juanita (the mom) with her 3 boys (5, 3 and 4 months). This is the family who is homeless, living in a shelter and whom I've become really close to living her in Antigua. Basically the mother has no money and sells probably 2 bracelets in the park a day equalling about $8.00 a day. She is supporting 3 kids on this income. To make a long story short, the oldest child, Esteban, developed an enormous tumor like looking mass on the inside of his right leg. Literally, it was the size of a grapefruit. I had not seen it until Monday, but Juanita had told me that her son was not well and she was really worried. Finally, on Monday when I came through the park for our daily walk, little Esteban showed me and drew a crowd of people amazed at how bad this mass was. I asked her if she'd been to the doctor and she said yes and was given an antibiotic prescription. Of course, she couldn't pay for it so she returned to the streets. The mass just continued to get worse. So, to save this little boy's life (literally), I took them all by taxi to Dr. Juarez where I take Blake in town. He took his temp. and said that not only did he have a fever, but that Esteban had an infected abcess filled with puss. I know this sounds absolutely awful - it was. He said he needed to go to the hospital and I had two choices - one associated with him around the corner and another a little outside of town (little did I know that the "Nacional" hospital is government operated and treatment is free). Of course I chose the closer one not knowing this. We waited with 4 children in the lobby of the hospital for an hour before Esteban was given a room. He stayed for 2 nights and Dr. Juarez basically took out the puss and filled him with antibiotics. He was released yesterday and I paid a huge hospital bill. Thank goodness though for my wonderful former roommates who had helped Juanita at Christmas though because they all donated money and helped to pay me back. Basically we all ended up chipping in money for the cause. The mother, Juanita, has been calling me now from a friend's home (we also paid rent for her to stay there for the month while Esteban heals) beyond thankful. She continues to tell me that her son would've died if we hadn't helped. This is true I'm sure. Esteban is a prime example of the children that die because their parents can't afford medicine and hospital treatments. When I went to visit Esteban the day after his treatment, he was SO happy and like a different kid. I left that evening with tears in my eyes. I can't even tell you the feeling I had knowing I had helped save this little one's life. I'm tearing up right now writing this. Anyway, I will never forget this experience. It was definitely a once in a lifetime one.
Posted by Williams at 6:33 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
We May be Home Sooner Than we Thought!!

Posted by Williams at 6:58 AM 0 comments