After 11 months of waiting for our adoption to be finalized, things are finally moving rather quickly. Moving quickly in Guatemala is literally unheard of so we are very lucky. Tomorrow morning we are headed to the city to get Blake's Passport and 2nd DNA test done. Last week we received his birth certificate in 1 day as well as his adoption decree. Birth certificates can take weeks at times depending on which town they're coming from so we feel very fortunate. We actually went to get his Passport last Friday however the man needed Chris' signature which is impossible now that he's returned home. So this is why we are returning on Wednesday with our Mandatory attorney (the one whose last name was mispelled on 1 document in our file) and she has a Power of Attorney that says she has legal responsibility of our case should we not be in Guatemala. So, all is well. We have to be there at 7:45 AM before they open so this will be interesting. Blake will wake up and will literally jump in the taxi!
Antigua is, believe it or not, rather calm since the holidays have ended. Many stores have shut down for awhile because of a lack of business and others are closed due to renovations. My favorite coffee shop is closed, however not for renovations. We're still trying to figure out why when it's one of the busiest places in town. Speaking of coffee, I thought I'd make a couple of lists again of things I miss about Seattle and things I'll greatly miss about Antigua. Now that our trip is coming to an end, I'm suddenly having all of these thoughts of things I remember and will miss. What a journey it has been and probably the greatest experience of our lives. I've posted some new pictures today too! We miss you all. Here goes the lists:
Things I miss about Seattle:
1. Starbucks Mochas (actually Starbucks in general). They don't make mochas too much here and a cappuccino is actually a latte.
2. My husband, dogs Remi and Lucky, and my family.
3. My car.
4. Carpet.
5. Regular shoes.
6. A warm fireplace.
7. Normal lighting.
8. Scented candles, lotions and soaps.
9. The mall.
10. Target and Walmart.
11. My school and 24 kindergartners.
12. My neices Savannah, Jordan and Hadley and nephews Cody, Reilly and Carson.
13. My house.
14. Tucking Blake into a normal crib rather than a Pack and Play.
15. Constant electricity and running water.
16. Paved roads.
17. The convenience of the states (everything is available when you need it and you don't have to search all over town for things).
18. Las Margaritas chips and salsa and bean burritos (Woodin staff I'll be wanting to go weekly when I return to work so get ready).
19. Real Mexican food (I still am biased to it probably as a result of all of my wonderful Mexican parents who bring me lunch every so often at school).
20. Snow, cold and wearing warm turtleneck sweaters.
21. Shopping with my sisters.
22. Fresh air - especially from the lakes and oceans.
23. Our weekend neighborhood get togethers.
24. Cash machines that always have money and never run out.
25. Safeway and grocery stores where I can walk through the aisles without bumping into 5 people at once.
26. My bed and sleeping in (I guess the second part is unlikely to change much)!
27. Visiting my parents.
28. Costco.
29. Full length mirrors.
30. Receiving mail.
31. Normal Internet service that also doesn't go out every day!
32. Saturday Night Live and Grey's Anatomy (I'm going to have to buy an entire missed season I think).
33. Country music (this one's for you Amanda, my friend!)
OK! Things I'll miss about Guatemala:
1. The beautiful architecture, restaurants, doors and vivid colors.
2. The kind and gently people.
3. The swimming pool, brunch and the best Eggs Benedict ever at Hotel Antigua.
4. Horse drawn carriages.
5. The wonderful friendships I've made with other adoptive families and Guatemalan women.
6. The calmness of every day life.
7. Homemade tortillas available on every street.
8. Hyper Paiz (the large Target store in the city).
9. The market prices.
10. Tokens to do my laundry (this one's for you Monica).
11. Carlos the 12 year old who shines shoes and gets mad at me when I don't wear my shinable shoes every day.
12. The two little girls who always ask me, "Laurie, what will you buy me today?"
13. The market women asking me, "What you like lady? Good price" (Mel, this one's for you).
14. Being able to walk for miles every day and enjoy every bit of it.
15. The market in general.
16. The used clothing section of the market (it's like an oversized Value Village).
17. Pollo Campero (the best fast food KFC type restaurant in town and they deliver).
18. Pushing strollers over bumpy roads and bumpy Tuc Tuc rides.
19. The "Tres Leches" coffee drink made with evaporated milk, whole milk and whipped cream (fat? what?!!)
20. The beautiful views.
21. The church bell ringing all day long at random hours.
22. The random fireworks.
23. Curious, yet smiling children's faces.
24. The look on a Mayan child's face when you give them a toy or give them anything for that matter.
25. Warm banana bread fresh out of the over at Dona Luisa bakery.
26. I'm sure I'll keep adding to this list as the week goes on!
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