Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Finally some new Pictures!!

Here we are with exactly 2 weeks left before coming home!! I can't believe I'm saying that. It's like a dream come true. Blake and I are doing well and just waiting for Chris to arrive on Saturday, the 2nd. We are so glad we'll be able to go home as a family. Not too much is new here except that Blake and I have been spending lots of time with little Vinsy and Flor. These little girls you've seen before on my blog. They sell in the park every day. They have now returned to school (4th grade), but still sell every afternoon. We have had a great time eating at Burger King together, having hair braiding parties and walking around town. These pictures crack me up of Flor with Blake on her back and wearing my sunglasses. They are the sweetest girls and every day they ask me when they can come to visit or live with Chris and I. It will be hard to leave them. It melts my heart when I see them running up to me and Blake in the park calling our names and hugging us. These beach pictures are from Monterrico where my friend Beatriz and I went last Friday. It is about 2 hours away and was absolutely beautiful. There were pigs running around the streets - very funny!


Katie said...

That is adorable that you have gotten to know those girls. I think I recognize them from Antigua but not positive. The only lady I will ALWAYS remeber is Ruth !!

Katie said...
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