Monday, July 30, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday Submitted to PGN?!!

1. Babies ride on motorcycles along with their entire family (baby is usually in front of dad and mom in back of dad so it often looks like baby is driving)
2. Fresh meat (literally just sliced off the cow) is always available and sold at the market unrefrigerated -includes flies if you ask
3. Human feces is covered up by a white substance so people are more aware of what they're walking in on the sidewalks
4. Women breastfeed openly (I mean this literally) - breast hanging out and baby hanging on
5. Men ride bikes on bumpy cobblestone roads (this has got to hurt)
6. People carry furniture (sometimes larger than themselves) on their backs for miles - women carry baskets with goods on their backs sometimes while at the same time carrying a child of 5 years of age on their back and four other children in tow
7. Random blasts throughout the day and night (we're not sure if they're fireworks, guns??)
8. Armed guards no older than 18 at times, stand in front of every bank and will not smile no matter what to show their brut power
9. Psychedelic chicken buses dominate the streets and yell "Guate, Guate!!" as they go by (meaning they are headed to Guatemala City)
10. There are no traffic lights and rarely a traffic sign therefore, traffic is a game of its own. If you're hit, oh well!
Actually, I don't mean to make light of any of this. It is quite an experience being here every day. These are just some of the things that make me smile as I cruise by with my baby who thinks nothing of it!!
The people here continue to be the kindest people I've ever met. They are genuine, helpful and work so hard for their families just to survive every day. It makes you realize how good we have it in the U.S. Did you know that 1 in 4 children die here every day because their families can't afford the medicine at the hospitals needed to keep them alive? I may have already mentioned this. It breaks my heart. You want to help them all and hand them all money. If you ever feel like donating to a good cause, please donate to a family or child in Guatemala. I know other countries are needy as well, but this country will always hold a soft place in my heart. I want to take 4 children back with me, but I know this is not possible. Still awaiting Auntie Melaine's arrival! We can't wait to introduce her to the top 10 of Antigua!! By the way, the picture of the two women together are Blake's foster mothers who are sisters (Rocio and Karina). They are amazing. They have given nothing but love and care to Blake. They love him as their own. The other lady holding Blake is Virginia, the housekeeper of our house. Oh, there's one more lady with long curly hair holding Blake. I met her the other day at the market. She was from Honduras and here doing business. She adored Blake and quickly swooped him into her arms! His new name is "coqueto" which means flirt in Spanish! Can't you tell from all of the women holding him! He's only 5 months and they can't keep their hands off of him! What will we do when he's 17?!!! Thank you all for the thoughtful and reassuring comments. I love to read them every day. You have all been so supportive and wonderful.
Posted by Williams at 5:24 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
We have Pre-Approval!

Posted by Williams at 7:44 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Grandma Bennett returns to Seattle :(

Posted by Williams at 1:55 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007

Posted by Williams at 8:23 AM 3 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Antigua Scenery!
Yesterday, Blake, Grandma and I went walking and shopping together near the famous "arco" arch in Antigua. We had a great time and Blake did so good being lugged around all over town. With my shopping habit, he's going to have to get used to this! While Grandma went into the bank I had a nice conversation with a darling little girl (her picture is here) and her mom selling their jewelry on the street. Turns out that this sweetheart was 6 years old and getting ready to go kindergarten next year (we're still not sure why she's not in school now, but most likely because she's earning money for the family on the streets). So sad, but this is fairly normal here. Anyway, I couldn't resist taking a picture of her. How beautiful is she?! Today has been a tough day as I'm still debating what to do with work and our adoption. Basically, I have two options. One, I can begin my 40 day leave on August 28th when my contract begins and then stay here until the adoption is final. Problem is, this could go over my 40 days and then I'd have to apply for family medical leave with no pay. With PGN being so unpredictable, it could be possible I'd still be down here in November/December at the latest. The other deal with this option is that I'd have to come home and immediately start work again with no transition for Blake to be at home with us to adjust. However, if PGN did go into November or December, I would have some time to be with him as we'd be heading into Thanksgiving/Christmas vacation. Option 2 would be to come home around August 20th or so, set up my classroom and teach until Blake was ready to come home. Then, once he was home, my 40 days would begin and we would be guaranteed time together at home those days. So, this is the dilema I'm facing right now. Hopefully as time passes, the decision will become clearer. It just drives me crazy thinking about what would be best for me, Blake and Chris. Thank you for your positive thoughts on this subject! Hopefully it will just come to me. Right now, the thought of leaving Blake a week before August 28th makes me teary. We'll see what happens. I hope you all enjoy these new pictures! I'm off to bed so I don't ponder this anymore today!! Love you all.
Posted by Williams at 8:21 PM 1 comments
The Internet is Working!
Hello! We finally have our internet up and working so hopefully it will stay working so I can post more frequently. Things are going very well here in Antigua so far. Blake has been busy getting to know his new grandmas and they are completely taken by him (I think it's the dimples)! Grandma Michele spent 6 days here (she left on the 9th) and Grandma Rosalie is still here (she extended her stay of course)! She plans to leave on the 17th. Today, she is spending the day by herself in another town to shop at a famous market. We can't wait to see what she comes back with!
Blake is as happy as can be and smiles all day long! We are so lucky to have such a beautiful happy baby. He has made a nice transition and seems to recognize his mommy and grandma's faces more every day. He is sleeping well at night and takes good 1-2 hour naps (just enough time for me to take a shower and get ready for the day)! He has been going to bed for the night around 8:30 PM and then wakes around 1:00, and 4:00 for a bottle. He usually wakes up each day around 6:00-6:30 and then talks, kicks and plays in his crib until 7:15 AM! I think we lucked out with this schedule! Daddy left on the 6th, but hopes to return at the end of the month. He loves Blake so much and had a hard time leaving (the picture of him holding Blake's hand was when he had to say goodbye :( We talk every day though and Blake likes to babble into the phone to him.
During the day, the babies spend time together playing and we often take trips to the market in the jogger strollers. The roads are fairly treacherous, but as long as we stick together and watch out for buses, we do OK! The people here are so amazingly nice and helpful. We couldn't ask for more. Every day we see something new and exciting. It is like being in a secret hidden village here. I feel like I'm in the middle of a postcard. It is absolutely gorgeous. I will post more scenery pictures soon!
The latest news with our adoption is that we are about 2 weeks away from getting pre-approval from the U.S. Embassy. After that we go into PGN (our last step) and the average amount of time families have been there is 8-10 weeks. No guarantees though on this time frame as many families get "previos" - the kick outs I mentioned before which set you back quite a bit of time. We will remain hopeful and pray that things go smoothly. In the meantime, I don't mind spending time with the cutest boy ever!
If the school district allows me to do so, I am now planning on staying for the duration of the adoption so I don't have to leave Blake and then return to bring him home. Pray that they allow me to do this! I think it will be the best thing for Blake and me! Chris continues to support me at home, but we miss him very much.
I will continue posting as frequently as possible so please check back soon! Miss you all and hope you are enjoying the pictures!
Posted by Williams at 7:14 AM 3 comments