We said bye to Grandma this morning and it was so sad once again to see our third family member leave us. Grandma grew so attached to Blake and Blake loves her so much. Every morning when he woke up I'd bring him to her and he'd greet her with a huge dimply smile! We are so lucky. What a sweet baby we have! Now Blake is sleeping and I am sitting here a bit lonely for my mom who was so helpful and reassuring of my mothering! Today is a beautiful blue sky day and Rebecca (another mom here), our babies and I made our way to the local market (we do this daily for entertainment) - the Bodegona to buy diapers and other baby necessities. Blake continues to be a trooper and is happy as can be smiling at everyone walking by. Everyone stops to shake his little hand and say "Que bello bebe o que bello ojos" which means "what a beautiful boy "or "what beautiful eyes." Those big brown eyes are hard to miss I must say :) Big news! Blake's bottom two teeth are coming in as you can see in the picture I just posted! One is really showing while the other is just poking through. He continues to shove everything in his mouth as he teethes and has not shown much sign of distress which is a plus. He also just started giggling which is my favorite! His little giggle is so sweet. Chris and I continue to stay in contact via phone every day. He is thinking about getting web cams for us to talk and see each other! I don't know if this will make me happy or sad. I think us seeing each other might make us miss each other more. We hope you are all enjoying the summer. Will post again soon. Oh, did I mention that there is a 10 day old baby girl available through our agency?....:)
Hi Mrs. Williams,
I hope you are having lots of fun with baby Blake. And I hope you will like baby Blake a lot, and I know you do:) I can't wait to meet him.
Kailani Jackson
Hi Lara,
Blake is so beautiful! You look like a perfect mommy in the pictures:) Motherhood is wonderful isn't it? Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We can't wait to meet him in person.
Take care!
Blake is so cute !! Try and enjoy your time in Guatemala -- I know its lonely ( I fostered for 8 months ) but when you are home you will miss that time with just you and your baby :)
Hi Lara in Guatemala and Chris in Seattle.....Just got the good news and the photos and are very excited for you both. Parenthood is the best thing going! We wish you many years of happiness and joy and amazing experiences. We look forward to more photos and a real peek when he arrives in his new home. Love to you 3! Kay and Bryan
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