It has been 5 months since I have posted anything on our blog and I feel so guilty!! When I was in Guatemala, I was so good about posting weekly, but now that we have a 2 year old and 2 MONTH old, things have slowed me down a bit!! So speaking of little ones, we welcomed sweet Lyla Jane Williams into our family on May 4!! She is absolutely beautiful and was quite a surprise as many of you know. We were told for years that we would have difficulty conceiving so after adopting Blake, we were ready to call ourselves a family as was. Lyla is truly a miracle baby and I still stare at her daily, amazed that she is a part of us. She is growing and changing quickly and went from a tiny 6 lb. 10 oz little monkey to a 10 lb bubbly baby who is now beginning to smile!! She keeps me occupied eating every 2-3 hours and I'm still trying to figure out how to manage 2 little ones, but we're doing it. Our kids make us so happy and keep us laughing daily :)
Blake is an absolute hilarious, intelligent, mischievous and delightful 2 year old! He says the funniest things one of being "Happy Birthday Mama and Daddy" for the last week every day! Not too sure where that came from! He continues to amaze us with his ability to speak in two languages and when he talks it is clearly a combination of the two. For example, "Los fuegos go boom, boom, mama!" ("the fireworks go "boom boom!"). He will be 2 on August 7th and we enjoying watching each day as he changes from a baby to a little boy.
When Lyla was born, he gave us a run for our money and we had a bit of a rough transition being that Blakey wasn't the center of our attention anymore. It was hard for me as well, (not being able to give 100% of my attention to my baby boy) and still is, I have to admit, but we are doing our best to share that attention now. Blake has the ability to make us laugh, (when he shakes his sippy cup of milk all over Lucky our black Lab or reads a story to himself and we hear him over the intercom speaker), cry (when he falls down, is hurt, or feeling left out), and make our heart melt (when he comes up to us and says, "Hug mama and daddy" or "Te amo mucho Mama and Daddy" or "Blakey happy!"). I can't tell you how much we are in love with this little boy and baby girl.
Tomorrow we leave for California for the memorial service of Chris' Aunt. His entire family on his Mother's side will be there and some of whom have never met Blake and Lyla! We look forward to spending time with family and I'm sure we'll have lots of pictures to post once we return! I hope our blog followers will come back if I promise to post more frequently! We love you all!
She is BEAUTIFUL!!! HOLY CRIPES!!! I insist that you call/text/email me ASAP!! (Having 2 in diapers myself, I do understand how tough this is...)
Love, Rebecca, Owen, and Ian! (And Shannon!)
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