It is hard to believe that our baby is now 2! On February 6, we celebrated 2 years home in the U.S. and the next day, his 2nd birthday. We had a wonderful day with Mickey decorations galore (his new favorite character), a Mickey cake made by Grandma Bennett and Mickey balloons. Last year, we had a quick 1st birthday since we had just returned from Guatemala so it was nice to plan this year! Blake is doing so well and continues to make us smile and laugh every minute. He is growing tall and looks so grown up all of a sudden. We love him so much. I keep thinking, "How am I going to share this love with two?" when the second one comes along in May, but I know it will just happen. We will be a busy family! One major accomplishment that occurred once and hasn't occurred again, is that Blake went #1 on his new little toilet on his 2nd birthday!! We were overjoyed and continue to encourage this new habit - although I think it will be awhile before he's completely independent in the bano! It was quite hysterical watching him sit there after getting out of the bathtub and then hearing the little music play when the pee pee hit the potty (pardon the potty talk). He was SO proud of himself and every time we enter the bano now, he has to follow suit. It's very cute. He wants to be so grown up. And...let me tell you about the 2's :) He's now in a "no" stage so when he's grumpy, every answer is "no" and he'll also say, "No, mama" and "No, Daddy" when he wants to do something independently! He's a big boy now apparently. He has been enjoying my pregnancy as well and takes our little fetal heart monitor and puts it on his own tummy saying, "Blakey baby!" Priceless. He does this to Daddy too. He's also into being Mr. Social so whenever we're out in a store and he sees another little boy, he'll say quite openly, "Hi nino!" I had to laugh when he said it to a little Asian boy who didn't speak any English. That poor little boy was probably thinking, "What the heck is he saying?" Anyway, with a few days of sun lately, we've been trying to get outside more and now that I'm on mid-winter break this week, we will have more time to spend together! We are anxious for Spring, this baby and playing in the sun! Rumor has it I am having a boy, but we'll be surprised in May - you never know! We will be happy either way. We are so grateful for our family and for this blessing.
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