We are still waiting for the arrival of Chris' police clearance and our family photos at this point. Aghh!! Lourdes told us that she expected them last Friday and it is now 5 days later and they're still not in her hands. This is so frustrating because we could be in PGN this week and now it looks like it will be next week (hopefully). I spoke with our US agent today and he said he has no idea how they're missing from our file. It's simply a mystery apparently. It's funny because Lourdes told me that they hadn't been sent by our US agent because he was having family problems. Hmm...interesting. Can someone fess up?!! Can't you tell the frustration in my voice?!! He said that these documents were sent to a Guatemalan consolate somewhere in the US to be approved before being sent to Lourdes here in Guatemala. Who knows. All I know is that when you're told you might be getting into that step, you get your hopes up and now here we wait again. Well, onto more positive things!! Blake and I have been trying to stay busy every day to help the time go by. I also, of course, want my last few weeks with him to be completely worthwhile. Did I already mention that I've decided to come home with Melaine on the 21st? While it will be so painful (I already feel it and have had several crying episodes with Blake asleep in my arms), I will have more time to be with him once my leave begins from home. We're really hoping that I will only have to work all of September and maybe part of October. If we're able to return to bring Blake home say mid-October, then my leave will begin as soon as we're back in the states. With Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner thereafter, my 40 days will go into the holiday vacation and my estimated date to return to work would be around the first or second week of January. This will be so much better in the long run for Blake. If I stay here, then we will only get more attached to each other and then leaving will be harder. Also, I will have to go directly back to work with no transition for Blake and this would kill me. So, as hard as saying goodbye will be, I have to keep thinking positive that we will bring him home soon and we will have more quality time with him upon our return. Thank you all again for your continuous positive comments for me to stay strong. I keep remembering these words when I feel like I'm going to lose it again!
This morning after Blake's first 1 hour morning nap, we went out in the backpack seat again to the Bodegona (the local tiny supermarket). I'm getting good at carrying a 16 lb. baby on my back as well as 2-4 bags of groceries at least 3 miles both ways. I never thought I had this strength! It's hard work I must say! Blake loves the outings and is happy as ever shaking hands with just about everyone passing by. It is so nice to talk to people during our daily outings. I feel blessed to speak Spanish because you look at things and get to know people on a whole different level when you can communicate with them. We see the most beautiful sights walking by and even though my shoulders ache by the time I get home, it's always worth it to meet someone new or see something new. Often we run into other moms here fostering their babies. It's always nice to know that you aren't the only one feeling frustration and anxiety!!
Blake has now taken to practically running in his walker now. I know he's going to be a soccer player some day. His little legs are so strong and he does NOT stop moving them! He does this kind of crab walk thing and books it across the walkway in the house. It's very humorous and of course, I have about 30 minutes of it on video! He still takes at least 2 naps a day and goes down without crying. He's such an easy baby. We lucked out. Morning naps are still rather short, but the afternoon one, has been at least 2 hours every day. Yesterday was a record 2 1/2! Let's see. What else is new? Oh, Chris and I both have web cams now and Skype! How fun it is to talk and see each other through our computers!
Melaine will be here in exactly 2 weeks! Hope everyone is doing well. Oh, the little boy in the picture with the Dr. Pepper is Carlos whom we met yesterday. We had quite a conversation for about 45 minutes in the park. Another sad story of a dear soul whose mom died 2 years ago leaving him with dad and two older sisters. His job is to shine shoes in the street all day long because he is the only boy in the house. He's never been in school and probably never will be. Sigh...Just maybe the Dr. Pepper I gave him made his day :)
Hi lara, it's ver disappointed to heard all the things you have to go thru, because a third person situation. I know that making the decision about leaving baby Blake was the hardest thing you have to do, but as a mother you know deep inside what is the right thing to do. Always keep positives thoughts and forget to smile. Take care of yourself ( So you can take of people you love).
Lara, I was reading my comement and I notice that I wrote it wrong here's the right thought: Always keep positives thoughts and DON'T forget to smile!! (sorry)Mayela
Dear Lara,
Although leaving Blake when the time comes will be one of the hardest thing you'll ever have to do, remember that your time at home, in your own home, will be so precious! Just keep on reminding yourself that he'll be coming home soon. Here's a big hug for you and Blake! :0)
Warmly, Quyen
Dear Lara,
Although leaving Blake when the time comes will be one of the hardest thing you'll ever have to do, remember that your time at home, in your own home, will be so precious! Just keep on reminding yourself that he'll be coming home soon. Here's a big hug for you and Blake! :0)
Warmly, Quyen
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