Saturday, October 6, 2007

Lara leaves for Guatemala in 2 days!!

I am actually leaving to be with Blake again! We've been so busy lately with work and everything else, that this time has just kind of crept up on us. I am so excited to be with that sweet baby. It's also hard to believe that this time I will be staying there until we bring him home!! Yes, we will be bringing him home! Of course, we don't know the exact timing, but we're aiming for before Thanksgiving. We'll keep our fingers crossed. My flight leaves on Sunday night at 11:45PM and then I arrive in Guatemala City at 11:30AM the next morning! We've talked to our agency and the proper fostering documents will be given to me at the airport so I no longer feel nervous about fostering and not being quite out of PGN. Hopefully that will be soon too. Next Wednesday will make 6 weeks. At this point, the time doesn't matter as long as I'm there with Blake. Chris is trying to come for a week or two when we have our embassy check out appt. He will be there to come take us home as a family! What a long haul this has been, but it has been worth it every step of the way. Just having the opportunity to experience another culture in Guatemala, spend time with our own baby, and meet wonderful fostering families along the way has been an experience of a lifetime. I promise to keep you all posted once I arrive on Monday! I'm sure you will be overloaded with Blake pictures! I am officially on leave from work as of Monday and will return to work full time on January 7, 2008! I am so lucky to have all this time to spend with Blake. Once I return to work, Grandma Bennett will get to take over and she is SO excited. She's been busy buying a crib, clothes, and fun toys to keep Blake happy while he's at her house. He will be in loving hands indeed. We love you all and until Monday - hasta luego y bon voyage!


Katie said...

How exciting !!!! Can't wait to see pics !!