Well, you all told me that this would happen and of course, I didn't believe you thinking, "After all that we've been through trying to get pregnant, I won't be the one it happens to." Well, guess again? Here we are going on 11 weeks PREGNANT!!! Chris and I read the plain as day word "pregnant" on the trusty little pregnancy test on Sept. 21 with mouths gaping open. It took awhile for us to realize that "yes," it was true! I made my first appt. that was scheduled with a nurse a week later and it was confirmed! As of now, my due date is May 21. My first doctor appt. will be Nov. 5th. We've been waiting patiently (actually for me, rather impatiently) for this appt. because it will be the first time we'll be able to see our baby for the first time with an ultrasound. I have to tell you it's a bit nervewracking the 1st trimester of pregnancy because you of course, worry about everything and hear every horror story (why do people feel the need to share this information?!) Thank goodness for family and friends that know just what to say to ease my nerves. We are very thankful and excited at the same time and know Blake will be so happy to have a new baby brother or sister!
Now, onto Mr. Blake! He keeps us going, I must say. That kid has more energy than any kid I know! Form the minute he wakes up in the morning, until his head hits the crib, he is wound up. I'm not saying he's hyperactive, just very active! It's hard to believe he will be 2 on February 2. He is now, almost 21 months old and like they say, the words keep-a-coming! He now says, "Mama, dada, hi, bye-bye, mas, pez (fish), more, Gus, Remi, Lucky (all dog names), nana and sometimes mama (for Grandma), papa for (Grandpa), hee-haw (when he wants to hear the farm song about the donkey), my dada and my mama (which means he wants you to do whatever it is he wants you to do - for example if he's jumping and he wants Daddy to do it, he'll say, "My dada," zapato (a new one) gracias, thank you, "ees" for "si" (not sure why this is still a backwards word, but it is), no mas, no more, ya (ready in Spanish), and this list goes on and on. He's also able to say all the sounds for the following animals and people when he's asked in Spanish or English: dog, cat, sheep, rooster, cat, cow, horse, dad (snore sound), donkey, chick, frog and bunny (both say "hop, hop") and lion. His favorite things to do are: jump, climb up and down on anything he can climb onto, run away from Daddy (he thinks he's always trying to catch him :), eat fish crackers, get into anything he can get his hands into, read books, play outside and in the rotting garden (this is nice), run in the leaves at Grandma's house and go on walks! Blake is one happy little boy and still quite a flirt. Let me give you a visual of his flirtatiousness. We were at Cucina, Cucina for dinner last night with some friends of ours which is always quite an adventure with an almost 2 year old anyway. It was homecoming weekend for several local high-schools so we were able to see many beautifully clad teenagers enjoying dinner before their big dance. Blake decided he would target one particular table next to us with 5 lovely ladies and spent his evening saying, "hi" to them and just standing by their table staring at them and looking cute. The girls thought this was hilarious, so they played along with their new little boyfriend. We just sit there and laugh. He is definitely Mr. social :) Then, once he had flirted enough and touched enough sequin dresses for the evening, he decided he would ride his Cucina, Cucina like a horse under the chair(see pictures). We all just sat waiting for the big moment it would pop and after a few giddy ups, it did. He couldn't figure out what had happened and he kept looking around for it which was equally hilarious. Once the novelty of looking for the popped balloon wore off, he decided he'd join the waiters and waitresses in clapping to the Italian rendition of "Happy Birthday" which ironically was sung to the group of Blake's lovely ladies! There is never a dull moment, I swear! Anyway, I'll leave you with some new pictures of our growing baby who is not so much a baby anymore! We hope everyone is well and in good health and looking forward to the upcoming holidays - I know I am already! Take a look at the difference in our sweet boy from last October in Guatemala!
Now, onto Mr. Blake! He keeps us going, I must say. That kid has more energy than any kid I know! Form the minute he wakes up in the morning, until his head hits the crib, he is wound up. I'm not saying he's hyperactive, just very active! It's hard to believe he will be 2 on February 2. He is now, almost 21 months old and like they say, the words keep-a-coming! He now says, "Mama, dada, hi, bye-bye, mas, pez (fish), more, Gus, Remi, Lucky (all dog names), nana and sometimes mama (for Grandma), papa for (Grandpa), hee-haw (when he wants to hear the farm song about the donkey), my dada and my mama (which means he wants you to do whatever it is he wants you to do - for example if he's jumping and he wants Daddy to do it, he'll say, "My dada," zapato (a new one) gracias, thank you, "ees" for "si" (not sure why this is still a backwards word, but it is), no mas, no more, ya (ready in Spanish), and this list goes on and on. He's also able to say all the sounds for the following animals and people when he's asked in Spanish or English: dog, cat, sheep, rooster, cat, cow, horse, dad (snore sound), donkey, chick, frog and bunny (both say "hop, hop") and lion. His favorite things to do are: jump, climb up and down on anything he can climb onto, run away from Daddy (he thinks he's always trying to catch him :), eat fish crackers, get into anything he can get his hands into, read books, play outside and in the rotting garden (this is nice), run in the leaves at Grandma's house and go on walks! Blake is one happy little boy and still quite a flirt. Let me give you a visual of his flirtatiousness. We were at Cucina, Cucina for dinner last night with some friends of ours which is always quite an adventure with an almost 2 year old anyway. It was homecoming weekend for several local high-schools so we were able to see many beautifully clad teenagers enjoying dinner before their big dance. Blake decided he would target one particular table next to us with 5 lovely ladies and spent his evening saying, "hi" to them and just standing by their table staring at them and looking cute. The girls thought this was hilarious, so they played along with their new little boyfriend. We just sit there and laugh. He is definitely Mr. social :) Then, once he had flirted enough and touched enough sequin dresses for the evening, he decided he would ride his Cucina, Cucina like a horse under the chair(see pictures). We all just sat waiting for the big moment it would pop and after a few giddy ups, it did. He couldn't figure out what had happened and he kept looking around for it which was equally hilarious. Once the novelty of looking for the popped balloon wore off, he decided he'd join the waiters and waitresses in clapping to the Italian rendition of "Happy Birthday" which ironically was sung to the group of Blake's lovely ladies! There is never a dull moment, I swear! Anyway, I'll leave you with some new pictures of our growing baby who is not so much a baby anymore! We hope everyone is well and in good health and looking forward to the upcoming holidays - I know I am already! Take a look at the difference in our sweet boy from last October in Guatemala!