We apologize for not updating our blog for so long, but we've been very busy running after a very energetic 17 month old!! Blake is doing so well and continues to grow and amaze us every day. He is now 22 pounds and I don't remember the exact height he is off hand, but he's getting tall. Our doctor said he is likely to be tall as an adult and believes one of his birth parents was on the taller side. I'm sure he'll outgrow his short mommy! Blake is enjoying the summer sun everyday and we now have a couple of different pools outside to keep him busy. His favorite thing is to spray the water from the hose all over the backyard like a fireman and then chase Lucky, our black lab with it. Lucky isn't too sure about this, but Blake thinks it is hilarious. He is definitely a dog lover and wakes up every morning wanting to go outside to chase them or throw them rocks! Yesterday, my sister, her kids and Blake and I all went to beautiful Snoqualmie Falls and hiked around. I kind of felt like I was doing Pacaya (volcano in Guatemala) again carrying Blake, but of course this was easier! I too am enjoying the summer off from work to spend more time with Blake. Every day we try to something new together like find a new park or other fun place to go. I am also staying busy changing classrooms from the first level of our school to the second which makes sense as I'm moving from Kindergarten to second grade! I am looking forward to this change and having some of my former students :) It has been a lot of work moving and then unpacking, but I'm sure will be worth the change this Fall. We have also been spending time on Pine Lake (where Grandma and Grandpa Williams live) and Blake has enjoyed floating around in his pink and yellow car (I know the colors aren't very boylike, but nevertheless, he loves it)! On our 6th anniversary, August 17th, Chris, Blake and I will be leaving for our annual trip to Canada to fish and enjoy some fresh ocean air. We are looking forward to boating, fishing and looking at bears and seals with Blake!! Hopefully the bears will stay their distance. Last time, one was practically in the backyard of our cabin!! Let's see...what else is new. Blake is still talking up a storm and certain times makes more sense than others. We know that language skills will likely be delayed a bit since I am speaking to him only in Spanish as he is processing two languages. Right now, however, he seems to be doing great! He is talking in both languages and understanding everything I say to him in Spanish. The other day I asked him in Spanish to go get his diaper bag and get out a diaper (just to see if he could) and he did exactly these two things! In English he says: bus, dada, bye-bye, hi, no, poop, Gus (granparent's dog), Remi (our dog), mama (for Grandma), duck, night-night and a few others. In Spanish he says, mas (more), mama (with the accent), casa, bebe (baby), pez (fish), and pato (duck). It is a joy to watch him learn every day - we love him so much - it's hard to even put it into words!! I go back to work on August 28 so we will spend a good 10 days in Canada together as a family. Until then, we will continue playing with dogs, going to the park and spending time with family. It has been so nice to hear of other families experiences upon returning home from Guatemala and to read their blogs. We feel so fortunate to have met so many wonderful people during our adoption experience and have enjoyed staying in contact with them watching each other's children grow up so happy. We hope you enjoy these new pictures of our growing baby! The last picture is a video so click play to see one crazy child!